After yet more snow today, it was an extremely pleasant surprise to be greeted this morning by a strange Orange glow in the sky. Watching closely from my desk all day I was willing it to stay dry, sure enough I was in luck although by the time I got home at 6.15pm there was very little daylight remaining so I had to act fast.
I'm pleased to say its clear my fitness is increasing and since the last time I did this exact same route (give or take a turn or two) I managed to shave 5 minutes and 30 seconds off of my time.
8 days left!
30 Days of Riding day 22

Matthew Cox
Matt has many interests and always has to have something on the go, he moved across to the US from the UK in 2012 and settled in NOVA. He enjoys hitting local trails and riding in a drier climate than the UK. Matt likes to blog about upgrades, maintenance, reviews, riding and generally life on his bikes (along with some other activities here and there).
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