OK so a rather long update this one. After last weekend, I'm afraid it was back on the trainer for the next 3 days but upon day 13 this is where sticking to spinning the legs for a full 30 days became a true challenge!
My wife and I had a few vacation days to use up with work and rather than doing the usual stuff we decided to do a mini road trip and make the drive down to slightly warmer climes and headed south to Charleston, South Carolina.
Charleston Harbor |
Charleston was a great place with lots of extremely interesting history and style of architecture that I'd never experienced before. It also had a bustling nightlife and some great shopping. We definitely weren't bored.
Anyway niceties over it was time to focus on exercising and maintaining the riding, thankfully the hotel had a gym/exercise room. I must admit though I was a little disappointed to find a solitary recumbent exercise bike. So here was my home and my go to solution for the next few days.
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